Nataschja Ferreira




أَشْرطَةُ الفِيدْيُو

Flag Video - Introduction: Nataschja Ferreira
Introduction: Nataschja Ferreira
Nataschja Ferreira

الدَّرَوسُ المُكْتَمِلَة

المُؤَهلاَتُ العِلْميَة

TEFL Worldwide
Teaching English, Certificate 2016
South African College of Education
Teaching, Certificate 1997
Teaching English, Certificate 2015
University of the Free State
Law, Bachelors 2017
Word Processing and Typing, Certificate 1993
Witwatersrand Technikon
Public Relations / Communications, Bachelors 1985
Damelin School of Accounting
Accounting, Certificate 1990

اﻷَسْئِلَةُ الشَّائِعَةُ

Flag fr Flag es Flag en Flag it Flag de Flag pt Flag he עִברִית