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Oui, les nombres ordinaux se disent de la même façon au masculin et féminin, sauf si le chiffre des unité est 1. 1/4 un quart / une fleur 21h : Vingt-et-une heure 1001 nuits : Mille et une nuits
دُرُوس ذَاتُ صِلَةِ
فِيدْيُوهَات ذاتُ صِلَة
Introduction: mariam
Introduction: Muhammad W. Hassan
What are the isolated form of Arabic letters used for?
Porque é usado "comment ça va" tanto para como você está e quanto para como vai?
What's a good way for a native English speaker to learn to hear and pronounce the differences between the emphatic and non-emphatic consonants?
Which letters make different sounds in French compared to English?
Why are words in French pronounced differently than spelled?
What’s the difference between masculine and feminine numbers in Arabic? Do both men and women say both?