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Polly Lingual
How do I know when to use Akkusativ and when to use Dativ? Is there a rule?
Nayane Bremm
Just for you guys to understand how it works. We will still have a lot of teaching on the German cases and when to use each one :)
Themenbezogene Videos
Why is German called "Deutsch" in German, while Dutch is called "Niederländer"? Why do some Romance languages seem to use a different root word, like "Alemán" in Spanish and "Allemand" in French?
Nayane Bremm
What is the difference between the nominative personal pronoun and the personal pronoun? When do we use the personal pronoun?
Nayane Bremm
What's the difference between "qué onda", "qué tal" and "qué pasa"? Don't they all means "what's up" in Spanish?
Nayane Bremm
How do I know when to use Akkusativ and when to use Dativ? Is there a rule?
Nayane Bremm
¿Cuál es la différencia entre "lastname" o "surname"?
Nayane Bremm
Quando e mais comum usar o "be going to" ou o "will". Pode me dar alguns exemplos quando usar cada um e por que seria mais adequado em casa frase?
Nayane Bremm
How do you pronounce an Umlaut (ä, ö, ü) in German?
Nayane Bremm
Quando eu uso "may" expressando duvida? Pode me explicar quando uso "may" e nao posso usar "can" ao inves?
Nayane Bremm
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