When I listen to the pronunciation of the word 'oui' and it sounds like 'we'. I often hear on radio and in particular films what I assume means yes but sounds more like 'way'. Is there a difference?

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Hello, my name is Alejandra and the question I'll be answering now is: When I listen to the pronunciation of the word 'oui' and it sounds like 'we'. I often hear on radio and in particular films what I assume means yes but sounds more like 'way'. Is there a difference? Just as we can say either YES or YEAH in English, in French we can say either OUI or OUAIS. Hence the difference you hear in pronunciation. When you will use each one is up to you. Just as you will sometimes say YES and other times say YEAH, it might depend on the context, or maybe even on how fast you are talking, but most times, it is just an “informal” way of saying OUI. For example: -Tu viens au cinéma? -Ouais. Attends, je mets mes chassures. -Tu vas faire la conjugaison des verbes irrégulières au passé composé, et tu vas écrire des phrases avec chacun. Tu comprends? -Ouais, je comprends. There are endless possibilities for the use of OUAIS. Just use it instead of OUI whenever you would use YEAH in English. I hope this helped to clear your doubts. Remember private sessions are also available if you would like one on one learning. Feel free to message me to schedule a session. See you around and have a nice day!

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