Introduction: Oscar Andrés Outsider

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أَرْسِلْ رِسَالَة

I´m a native speaker of Spanish and I worked in cruise ships in Miami, assisting native speakers of English and thanks to that I have a great level of conversational English, i will be able to explain you how to pronounce difficult words thanks to my ease to communicate with you. ¡I’m looking forward to have a lesson with you, have a great day and see you soon! Soy hablante nativo de español y he trabajado en cruceros en Miami, asistiendo hablantes nativos de Ingles y gracias a ello tengo alto nivel conversacional de Ingles, podre explicarte como pronunciar las palabras que se te dificulten gracias a mi facilidad para comunicarme contigo. Espero que tengas un excelente día y nos vemos pronto.

دُرُوس ذَاتُ صِلَةِ

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