Introduction: Savannah

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Hello my name is Savannah, I'm 22 years old and I live in a beautiful, sunny country called South Africa. I am a native English speaker with a level 5 TEFL certificate . I have a Bachelor's Degree in Motion Picture Medium, and majored in cinematography. I am a very active person that loves the outdoors such as hiking to explore new places. I love music and singing. I also enjoy swimming and playing touch rugby. I love traveling, learning about new cultures and meeting new people along the way. My teaching style is primarily centered around the student. I adapt this to cater to the individual's strengths and learning style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), while making the material as interesting as possible. I like using colorful PowerPoint slides, flashcards and videos to demonstrate my learning points, because I believe this is something which increases student interest significantly and leads to a better learning experience. I ensure to create a comfortable and safe learning environment that encourages mistakes, because the best way to learn is through our trial and errors.

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