Introduction: Lerentia Basson

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Hello, I am Lerentia Basson, a native English speaker living in beautiful, Cape Town, South Africa. I have a 168 hour TEFL certificate, Business English certificate and a BA Ed Arts degree. I have specialised and taught English and Ceramic Sculpture for many years to a great number of students, from young to old, highly structured to informal classes. Books and literature has always been a great passion of mine and I am a ferocious reader and thus my love of the language evolved into the honing of my English and Teaching skills. I plan lessons around the level and needs of each individual student, striving to bring enthusiasm, fun and curiosity to every session, with the emphasis on conversational vocabulary and pronunciation. Covering topics of your choice and interest. I am highly self motivated, I have a good general knowledge and am excited to share my love and command of English with you. Thereby not only enhancing your prospects but - also my own. Let’s start this exciting journey of mastering English together. I am looking forward to hear from you. Till then. Good bye.

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