Introduction: Shelah Mae Padua

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Hi there! This is teacher Shelah, 33 years of age from Philippines. I took up Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Banking and finance and I used to work in different offices in my city. Later on, I took up Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in Social Sciences and I am now a Licensed Professional Teacher now. I am also a TESOL, TEYL and TEFL teacher. I love teaching and I taught students from different country. I can help to discover learners preferred learning style and I do believe that constant conversation helps to think critically of what they see and experienced. Meeting people is one of skills. I enjoy learning culture from different countries. I am friendly and easily get along to everyone. I am fond of singing, writing poems and reading books. I always make sure that my students will feel relax and comfortable in my class. That's it for now. I you want some fun, If you want some learning. See you in class!

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