Introduction: James Murray

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Hello, my name is James Murray. I live in a small village, just outside of Oxford in England and I am an English Teacher. I originally got into Teaching through teaching tennis and I loved it so much that I decided to try and become a teacher. I have been doing volunteer teaching for the last two going on three years now and have done over 2000 hours of teaching. I have taken multiple courses in not only how to teach but in particular how to teach English as a foreign or second language. I chose to go into teaching English partly to do with my love for languages but also because it is something I Love to do and am very passionate about. I can speak and understand a few languages and talk with people on a regular basis that don’t speak any English so if you don’t speak a lot of English I am still able to help you learn. I hope to help you learn English, whether a beginner or to improve your English speaking skills. I like to make the lessons personal for you though so you can get the most from them and enjoy them as well. So if you would me to help you with that please book a lesson with me or contact me. And if you have any question please ask and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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