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Polly Lingual
How do I know when to use Akkusativ and when to use Dativ? Is there a rule?
Nayane Bremm
Just for you guys to understand how it works. We will still have a lot of teaching on the German cases and when to use each one :)
Vidéos associées
How do you say "American", as in someone (or something) from the United States, in Spanish?
Nayane Bremm
¿Debo usar "could" o "can" para hacer preguntas?
Nayane Bremm
Does the word "salut" mean "hello" or "goodbye"?
Ale Lorenzo
Quando eu uso "may" expressando duvida? Pode me explicar quando uso "may" e nao posso usar "can" ao inves?
Nayane Bremm
¿Cual es la diferencia entre las diferentes maneras de expresar ''buenas tardes''? ¿Cuando tengo que usar cada una?
Méla DLT
Introduction: Mathieu Chatelain
Mathieu Chatelain
Quando e mais comum usar o "be going to" ou o "will". Pode me dar alguns exemplos quando usar cada um e por que seria mais adequado em casa frase?
Nayane Bremm
How do you say "I'm mad at you" in French?
Elise Nantois
שִׁעוּרִים מֻמְלָצִים
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