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Leçons associées
Vidéos associées
What's the difference between "vous" and "tu"?
Why does the definite article "o" sometimes come before the "que"?
What's the difference between "Bonsoir" and "Bonne soirée" in French?
¿Porqué el inglés no tiene equivalente a lo formal "Usted"?
Does the word "salut" mean "hello" or "goodbye"?
How do I use the present continuous in German? For example, phrases like "I am studying German now" or "They are talking to me"
How do I know when to use Akkusativ and when to use Dativ? Is there a rule?
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre usar fine y good? Es válido decir: i'm good, we're good, it's fine?