Introduction: Lucy DomR

Hi, my name is Lucía, but you can call me Lucy. Very nice to meet you. First of all, let me tell you that I love learning and teaching languages. And so far, I've had the chance to learn English, Japanese, French, Italian, a little bit of Russian and German, for about a year both, and I'm currently learning nahuatl, which is a Mexican language and I'm also attempting to learn Chinese by myself and so far it's been going pretty well. Then, I have to tell you that that I'm a certified English teacher, I have a Bachelor's degree to prove it. I've been teaching for about 8 years and I've taught to all kinds of people, from cute little 7 year-olds to a group of very nice and friendly elderly people in a comunity center, where my oldest student was more than 80 years old. So, as you can see, it's never too late or too early to start learning a new language. I'm planning on teaching English and Spanish here on Polly Lingual but if you're interested or if you have questions about any of the other languages I mentioned and I can help you, I'd be more than happy to do it :) And I think that would be it for my introduction in English so, see you around, hopefully. Bye-bye!


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