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Just for you guys to understand how it works. We will still have a lot of teaching on the German cases and when to use each one :)
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Vidéos associées
Introduction: Nayane Bremm
How do you say "American", as in someone (or something) from the United States, in Spanish?
What's the difference between "qué onda", "qué tal" and "qué pasa"? Don't they all means "what's up" in Spanish?
¿Cuál es la différencia entre "lastname" o "surname"?
Introducción: Jonathan Benchlouch
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre usar fine y good? Es válido decir: i'm good, we're good, it's fine?
What's the difference between "du" and "Sie"?
Quando eu uso "may" expressando duvida? Pode me explicar quando uso "may" e nao posso usar "can" ao inves?