How do you say “where is the bathroom” in Spanish?

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How to say "Where is the Bathroom?" in Spanish. This one of the most popular question, when we are traveling or visiting somebody, and we don't know the place The most Populars way to say it is ¿Dónde está el baño?. Dónde está means Where is and then we add the place, Bathroom means Baño. There are others ways to say it: ¿Dónde está el tocador? is not frequently used but some people use it. So if somebody ask you you know is referring to ¿Dónde está el baño or Where is the bathroom? or ¿Donde esta el cuarto de baño? this is a literal translation, is the most proper way to said it but is not frequently used neither the most popular. Literally "cuarto de baño" means bathroom. So if you travel or visit any place i recommend to use ¿Donde esta el baño?

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