Quando uso -ies no fim do verbo em inglês e por que?

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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre usar fine y good? Es válido decir: i'm good, we're good, it's fine?
Nayane Bremm
What's the difference between אַהְלָן (alan), הַי (hai) and שָׁלוֹם (shalom)? Don't all three mean "hello"?
Jonathan Benchlouch
Introduction: Nayane Bremm
Nayane Bremm
O que sao os verbos modais em inglês? Por que eles sao diferentes dos outros verbos?
Nayane Bremm
¿Porqué el inglés no tiene equivalente a lo formal "Usted"?
Nayane Bremm
What is the difference between זֶה בֶּן “this is Adi” and זֹאת עֲדִי “this is Ben"? Why do they use different verbs?
Jonathan Benchlouch
How do you apply the masculine and feminine? Is it by speaker (ie. a man speaking uses the masculine regardless of who he is talking to), or it is who is being spoken to (ie. a man talking to a woman will use the feminine)?
Jonathan Benchlouch
Why is German called "Deutsch" in German, while Dutch is called "Niederländer"? Why do some Romance languages seem to use a different root word, like "Alemán" in Spanish and "Allemand" in French?
Nayane Bremm