أَشْرطَةُ الفِيدْيُو

I video

Flag Video - Introduction: Tronell Lessing
Introduction: Tronell Lessing
Tronell Lessing

الدَّرَوسُ المُكْتَمِلَة

Lezioni completate

المُؤَهلاَتُ العِلْميَة

Esperienza educativa

University of Stellenbosch
Drama, Masters 2009
Education, Certificate 2020
University of Stellenbosch
Drama, Bachelors 2005
English, Certificate 2020
TEFL 200 hours, Certificate 2014

Pronota una sessione di tutoraggio privato

اﻷَسْئِلَةُ الشَّائِعَةُ

Domande frequenti

Flag fr Flag es Flag en الغة الانجليزية Flag it Flag de Flag pt Flag ar العربية