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Do you want to learn Spanish or Do you want to practice Spanish? Contact me! Quieres aprender español o quieres practicar español? Contactame! My name is Karem. I am from Ecuador. I have patience to teach, if you don´t have any knowledge of Spanish, we start since basic level. New vocabulary, grammar, common expressions. We can practice with conversation if you have a good level in Spanish. I hope to work with you soon!

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Themenbezogene Videos

Introduction: Yuuki Takanishi
Yuuki Takanishi
How do you say "have a good day" in Spanish?
Karem M.
Why do people say both "¿qué hora son?" and "¿qué hora es?" to ask what time it is?
Karem M.
How do you say "this is cool" in Spanish?
Karem M.
Profile Introduction
Gaudre Trainyte
Why do ラ (ra), リ (ri), ル (ru), レ (re) and ロ (ro) sometimes sound like they begin with a /d/ sound? And why are they used sometimes for an /l/ sound?
Yuuki Takanishi
What's the difference between "disculpa", "disculpe", "perdón" "permiso"?
Karem M.
What's the difference between telling someone "te quiero" and "te amo"? Don't they both mean "I love you"?
Karem M.
Sprache wechseln:
英語 日本語