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My name is Miguel Ángel and I'm a teacher. I teach Spanish language and literature and also work with foreigners who are learning Spanish. I've helped over a hundred students from the US, Denmark, Morocco, Belgium, England, Kazakhstan, Canada...I´ve over ten years of experience teaching Spanish and am able to work with students of all levels. I always strive to deliver the best results.

관련 강의

관련 비디오

When does the consonant "ㄹ" make an /l/ sound and when does it make an /r/ sound?
Young Kim
In Korea why do you have so many informal and formal ways of saying things?
Young Kim
Introduction: Amy Hwang
Amy Hwang
Cual es la diferencia entre la vocal 어 (eo) y la vocal 오 (o)?
Young Kim
Por que as vogais em coreano não tem mesmo significado que o Português?
Young Kim
Why does Korean have two sets of numbers? Native and Chinese?
Amy Hwang
¿Como se dice “hola” in coreano?
Young Kim
Como faço para aprender fluente a língua coreana?
Young Kim
영어 한국의