Introduction: Karla Kristic

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I want to be a Home-based Online English Teacher because I want to use my knowledge in a practical manner. I have been going to English classes since I was a six year old. My father was a seafarer and he taught me from a very young age that the biggest treasure you can have in life is knowledge, and that knowing how to communicate with people is the most important ability of all. Of course, learning English was the most important part of knowing how to communicate. Croatia is a small country which thrives on tourism, and for being successful here a person has to know how to communicate in English. I have been learning English since the 1st grade of elementary school and in parallel, in a private school specializing in foreign-language studies. After elementary school, I decided to upgrade my skills of communicating in foreign languages so I enrolled in High school with extended foreign language curriculum. I am actually fluent in English, Spanish and Italian. Graduating from that kind of high school in Croatia requires passing state exams in English, Croatian, maths etc. I am proud to say that I have passed my English exam with an impeccable score (100%). Moreover, I have passed my international English exam with flying colours and hold the Cambridge ESOL Certificate in ESOL International (proficiency user, Council of Europe Level C2). I am extremely experienced in translating, having to do so for my academic work. This has involved translating complicated material from Croatian to English and from English to Croatian. I am confident in my work and pro-active in producing and translating relevant material and I will certainly do my best in tutoring you if you give me an opportunity.

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