

Pronouns act as substitutes for nouns (or noun phrases) already understood by the context of the conversation. Like nouns they can serve as the subject of a clause or the object of a verb or preposition. In English words like "I", "him" and "hers" are some examples.



Play it
it impersonal singular third-person nominative personal it neuter singular third-person oblique personal
Play she
she feminine singular third-person nominative personal
Play her
her feminine singular third-person oblique personal
Play he
he masculine singular third-person nominative personal
Play I
I singular first-person nominative personal
Play his
his masculine singular third-person genitive possessive
Play we
we plural first-person nominative personal
Play him
him masculine singular third-person oblique personal
Play us
us plural first-person oblique personal
Play they
they plural third-person nominative personal
Play mine
mine singular first-person genitive possessive
Play you all
you all plural second-person nominative personal you all plural second-person oblique personal
Play its
its impersonal singular third-person genitive possessive
Play this
this singular near demonstrative
Play yours
yours singular second-person genitive possessive
Play me
me singular first-person oblique personal
Play that
that singular far demonstrative
Play when
Play ours
ours plural first-person genitive possessive
Play them
them plural third-person oblique personal
Play why
why interrogative
Play theirs
theirs plural third-person genitive possessive
Play those
that plural far demonstrative those plural far demonstrative
Play what
what interrogative
Play these
this plural near demonstrative these plural near demonstrative
Play who
who interrogative
Play hers
hers feminine singular third-person genitive possessive
Play which
which interrogative
Play whose
Play a lot
a lot
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