Introduction: Leonah Pona

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I am Leigh from Johannesburg, South Africa. I trained and have worked in tourism industry in Southern Africa for over 20 years. I have been mentoring and giving free lessons in life skills to young people in my community for decades. I home-schooled my two children for some time. I have a master’s degree in business administration. And I recently obtained TEFL qualifications. I have a specialized certificate in Teaching Young Learners and another in Advanced Grammar. I am currently studying Teaching Business English. I am a fun-loving person who enjoys mentoring others. I read a lot and I like making things with a sewing machine. I play computer games. My family and I often go on road trips around the country and Southern Africa. I like taking pictures of nature and pretty much anything! I believe in a learner-centered style of teaching. Learning must be fun. I am really looking forward to this adventure. I hope to see you soon.

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