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¿Para qué sirven los acentos en francés?
Méla DLT

When I listen to the pronunciation of the word 'oui' and it sounds like 'we'. I often hear on radio and in particular films what I assume means yes but sounds more like 'way'. Is there a difference?
Ale Lorenzo

¿Qué diferencia tiene el tilde dado vuelta?
Méla DLT

How are French demonstrative pronouns used? What's the difference between ce, ça, celui, and celle?
Méla DLT

Qué usos tiene el "on" en francés? Cómo se distingue de tu y vous?
Ale Lorenzo

Introduction: Clare Scanlan
Clare Scanlan

Em que situação devo usar o pronome "on"? Algum exemplo?
Prof Renato

Does the word "salut" mean "hello" or "goodbye"?
Ale Lorenzo