أَشْرطَةُ الفِيدْيُو


Flag Video - Introduction: Ludmila B.
Introduction: Ludmila B.
Ludmila B.
Flag Video - What's the difference between "ser" and "estar" in Portuguese?
What's the difference between "ser" and "estar" in Portuguese?
Ludmila B.

الدَّرَوسُ المُكْتَمِلَة

완료된 수업들

المُؤَهلاَتُ العِلْميَة


The Psychology of Learning , Certificate 2014
UDF University Centre
Linguistics and Literature Portuguese / English, Bachelors 2011
TEFL, Certificate 2016
Linguistics and Literature Portuguese / English, Certificate 2015
Teacher Regulation Branch / Ministry of Education / Canada
British Columbia Teaching Certificate / BCTC , Certificate 2018

اﻷَسْئِلَةُ الشَّائِعَةُ

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