Where is Korean spoken?



The small island nation of Malta has a rich linguistic legacy. While Maltese is the only national language as specified by the constitution, however due to British occupation (1800-1964) English remains an official language, and government business is carried out in both.

Previous to that, Italian was the sole official language of the government, though Maltese was the language de facto of the people.

Today, most of the population of Malta is multilingual. Nearly 100% of the population speaks Maltese, with 88% also speaking English and 66% speaking Italian.

As a mixture of Arabic and Sicilian-Italian, Maltese is the only official semitic language of the European Union. It is also the only semitic language written in the Latin alphabet in its standard form.
Population: 450,000
Languages: EnglishofficialMalteseofficialItalianminority
Time Zone: UTC+01:00 (DST UTC+02:00)
Calling code: +356
Currency: Euro

Polly Ambassadors from Malta


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