Introduction: Eugene Klassen

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Hello! I am a professional airline pilot from Russia working for one of international airlines in Asia. Teaching has always been my passion since I was instructing cadet pilots in the Air Force Academy. I resided in many countries across the world (including Europe, Asia and the US) obtaining my licenses and qualifications. Learning and teaching, meeting people from all over the world is an essential part of my job and my life. I am very exited to share my positive attitude, knowledge and experience. And I can't wait meeting my students, making friends and partners!

관련 강의

관련 비디오

In Korea why do you have so many informal and formal ways of saying things?
Young Kim
What is a glottal stop?
Young Kim
Como fala "bom dia", "boa tarde", e "boa noite" em coreano?
Young Kim
Why are there so many ways to "hello" and "good-bye" in Korean?
Amy Hwang
Why does Korean have two sets of numbers? Native and Chinese?
Amy Hwang
Introduction: Young Kim
Young Kim
Is there a difference between the language of South Korean and North Korea?
Amy Hwang
Por que as vogais em coreano não tem mesmo significado que o Português?
Young Kim
영어 한국의