Introduction: Diana Deborah Tang Chew Tze

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Hi, my name is Diana and I come from Malaysia.我在一间私人中学担任全职英文老师. I have been teaching English at a Chinese high school for five years. I can speak fluent English and Chinese. I graduated from New Zealand with an Education degree in TESOL. I offer three types of English lessons. First, I can help you to prepare for your English examinations such as IELTS by teaching you some useful exam techniques. I will give you some of my own grammar notes and I will customise the learning materials according to your current proficiency. -Secondly I offer conversational lessons to those who wants to speak English fluently and confidently in their daily conversations whether for work purpose or for personal interest. we can discuss any topics of interests or the latest trends and issues. During the lessons, I will help you in correcting your pronunciation, using suitable vocabularies to express yourself and looking at areas of grammar that you might have problems with. Third, I also teach business English as I graduated from a local university with a master degree in human resource development. I have worked in different sectors before so I can teach you how to give a presentation and how to write formal letters. Once you have booked my lesson, I will send you a powerpoint presentation that I have customized for you based on your learning goals. At the end of the lesson, I normally give my students some simple practice or tasks to do in their own time because I believe that learning English is a continuous process. 我的母语是中文所以我也可以教中文。我会教你如何用中文自然的与其他人交流。我也会纠正你的发音还有教你很多常用的词语和如何更有效的表达你自己。If you choose to learn mandarin from me, our lessons will be centered around conversational practice and improving your pronunciation. I can teach you how to speak Chinese like a native speaker and build on your vocabularies so you can express yourself better. Before the lesson begins, I will send you the learning materials based on your current level including pinyin, grammar, vocabulary and pictures. After the lesson, I will give you some tasks to practice on your own. Teaching is such a joy and passion for me and I genuinely want to help my students to achieve their learning goals. I have taught students from different countries with each of their own individual learning needs and I personally witnessed that my students have improved their language skills from one to one online tutoring. If you’re interested in what I have to offer in our future lessons, you’re welcome to book a lesson with me. 让我知道您的学习目标是什么,我非常期待在课堂上见到您。再见 good bye and hope to see u soon

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