Conditional Mood

O modo condicional



One of the easier conjugation forms to learn, the conditional mood for the most part simply adds ~ia, ~ias, ~íamos, and ~iam to the infinitive of the verb.

For example, falar becomes falaria and comer becomes comeria .

The conditional mood is used in situations similar to when you use would in English to refer to potential events.

Eu falaria, se ela pede.
I would talk, if she asked.

Ele comeria, porque come tudo.
He would eat it, because he eats everything.

Be careful to note however, that the "would" in these examples is referring to potential events. The equivalent to using "would" as a habitual past event - as in "he would go after school everyday" - is the imperfect tense.



Play falar
to talk to speak
Play comer
to eat
Play pôr
to place to put (on, down)
Play sair
to leave to exit to go out

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