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What is the difference between the nominative personal pronoun and the personal pronoun? When do we use the personal pronoun?
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre usar fine y good? Es válido decir: i'm good, we're good, it's fine?
Introduction: Sen Shi
O que sao os verbos modais em inglês? Por que eles sao diferentes dos outros verbos?
Como se diferencia "sie" y "Sie" en la pronunciación?
What's the difference between "qué onda", "qué tal" and "qué pasa"? Don't they all means "what's up" in Spanish?
In Western culture, we can nod our heads up-and-down for "yes" and shake them left-and-right for "no". Does Chinese have anything similar, or do they do the same thing? Are there other gestures for "yes" and "no"?
How do you pronounce an Umlaut (ä, ö, ü) in German?