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la diferencia es básica, ¡espero poder ayudarte con eso y buena suerte! - The difference is basic, I hope to be able to help you with that, and good luck on your learning! :)
Why does the definite article "o" sometimes come before the "que"?
What's the difference between "qué onda", "qué tal" and "qué pasa"? Don't they all means "what's up" in Spanish?
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre “Gute nacht”, “Guten abend” y “Gutenachmittag”?
What are some cool ways that young people might greet their friends besides the usual "ni hao"?
Simple Introduction of Counting in Chinese
Einführung: Nayane Bremm
What are some ways of saying “I'm hungry” and “I’m thirsty” in Spanish?
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre usar fine y good? Es válido decir: i'm good, we're good, it's fine?