Introduction: Louise Cartmill

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Say "hello" to English teacher Louise! #ESL #learnEnglish #aprenderIngles Hi everyone! My name is Louise and I am 18 years old. I was born in Ireland, but moved to Australia with my family at the age of 10. Therefore, my accent is quite neutral; neither completely Australian, nor completely Irish. In November 2019, I graduated from high school in Australia, and am currently on my gap year, waiting to start university in the Netherlands. From January to March 2020, I volunteered teaching English in a cram school in rural Taiwan. I loved teaching so much that I thought it would be a good idea to get a TEFL qualification so that I could continue to teach English part-time either during my gap-year or when I attend university. I am currently enrolled in an online TEFL course, and hope to receive my certificate in May. When I was 16 years old, I went on exchange to the Netherlands for a year, where I lived with a Dutch host family and attended a local Dutch school. Learning the local language helped me experience authentic life better, and gave me a greater appreciation for languages and communication in general. I know the struggle of learning a new language and my only wish is that I can make my students feel comfortable during my lessons through my patience and positive attitude. I look forward to teaching students with all sorts of English goals and can help with anything from accent reduction, proofreading, homework help to improving conversational English. I'm a big believer in teaching with a purpose and would therefore like to include authentic materials into our lessons, like news articles, YouTube videos, etc..I am extremely flexible and will tailor the lessons to my students' individual needs. I am passionate about giving my students a good experience with English, and building their confidence so that they will be excited to use their English in the real world. Although I am young, I am very mature and an extremely hard worker. I look forward to beginning my journey as a Polly Lingual Ambassador.

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