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order - المراكز الأَوَّل/ى Al 2wal/a 1st the first الثَّانِي/ة Al thany / ah 2nd the second الثَّالِث/ة Al thalth / ah 3rd the third الرَّابِع/ة Al Rab3/ah 4th the fourth الخَامِس/ة Al 5ams/ah 5th the fifth السَّادِس/ة Al sads/ah 6th the sixth السَّابِع/ة Al sab3/ah 7th the seventh الثَّامِن/ة Al thamn/ah 8th the eighth التَّاسِع/ة Al tas3/ah 9th the ninth العَاشِر/ة Al 3asher/ah 10th the tenth الحَادِي عَشْرٌ. A7da 3shr 11th the eleventh الثَّانِي عَشْرٌ. athna 3shar 12th the twelfth الثَّالِث عَشْرٌ thlast 3shr 13th the thirteenth counting - العد واحد/ ة اثنان / أثنتان ثَلَاثَ/ة أَرْبَع/ة خَمْس/ة سِتّ/ة سَبْع/ة ثَمَنِ/ة تِسْع/ة عَشْر/ة إحِدَاعَشَر. إِثْنَا عشَر. ثَلَاثَةعَشَر
관련 강의
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Why are there so many ways to "hello" and "good-bye" in Korean?
When does the consonant "ㄹ" make an /l/ sound and when does it make an /r/ sound?
How do you say times like 7:20 in Arabic?
What are the isolated form of Arabic letters used for?
Why are there seven vowels in Korean when English only has five?
In Korea why do you have so many informal and formal ways of saying things?
Why does Korean have two sets of numbers? Native and Chinese?