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You are in a foreign country and would like to go to the movies, but not sure on how to go about purchasing tickets etc. Step 1: Purchasing a ticket Step 2: Refreshments Step 3: Way to the seat Step 4: Toilet Please!!!!! If you would like to have a conversation with me, please send me a message and we could book a session. Goodbye and I hope to hear from you soon...
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In Korea why do you have so many informal and formal ways of saying things?
What is a glottal stop?
Why does Korean have two sets of numbers? Native and Chinese?
Por que as vogais em coreano não tem mesmo significado que o Português?
Why are there so many ways to "hello" and "good-bye" in Korean?
Introduction: Colleen Fernandes
Como faço para aprender fluente a língua coreana?
What are the easy ways to understand and speak Korean language?