Play 天气



Play 我只为了天气报告才看新闻。
wǒ zhǐ wèile tiānqì bàogào cái kàn xīnwén
I only watch the news for the weather report.
Play 天气会热。
tiān qì huì rè
It's going to be hot.
Play 天气热。
tiān qì rè
It's hot.
Play 明天的天气怎样?
míng tiān de tiān qì zěn yàng
How is the weather going to be tomorrow?
Play 天气会冷。
tiān qì huì lěng
It's going to be cold.
Play 天气冷。
tiān qì lěng
It's cold.
Play 天气潮湿。
tiān qì cháo shī
It's very humid.
Play 天气晴朗。
tiān qì qíng lǎng
It's very sunny.
Play 今天的天气如何?
jīntiān de tiānqì rúhé
How is the weather today?
Play 那儿的天气如何?
nà'er de tiānqì rúhé
How is the weather there?
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