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How do I use COD and COI properly when asking questions in French?
Elise Nantois
Introduction: Chu Patou Rosamond Nwa
Chu Patou Rosamond Nwa
How to pronounce in french E : / U // ¿Cómo se pronuncian las vocales E y U en francés?
Méla DLT
Introduction: Méla DLT
Méla DLT
Which letters make different sounds in French compared to English?
Méla DLT
Why are words in French pronounced differently than spelled?
Méla DLT
Qual a diferença entre "Enchanté" e o "Heureux de faire votre connaissance"? / What's the difference between "Enchanté" and "Heureux de faire votre connaissance"?/ Cual es la diferencia
Méla DLT
How are French demonstrative pronouns used? What's the difference between ce, ça, celui, and celle?
Méla DLT
¿Cual es la diferencia entre las diferentes maneras de expresar ''buenas tardes''? ¿Cuando tengo que usar cada una?
Méla DLT
What's the difference between poli (educado) and éduqué (educado)? Qual e a diferença do poli (educado) para éduqué (educado)?
Méla DLT
How different is ?? Canadian French from ?? European French?
Méla DLT
Comment allez-vous? Comment ça va? ¿Cual sería la diferencia entre estas dos preguntas?
Méla DLT
What's the difference in the pronunciation of il, ils, elle, and elles? ¿Qué es la diferencia en la pronunciacion de il, ils, elle, y elles?
Méla DLT
Cuales son las otras formas de decir "un gusto en conocerlo? Pusiera ser "enchanté"?
Méla DLT
When do you use "Comment allez-vous ?" vs "Comment ça va ?"
Méla DLT
¿Qué diferencia tiene el tilde dado vuelta?
Méla DLT
¿Los números ordinales se dicen de la misma forma en masculino y femenino?
Méla DLT
¿Para qué sirven los acentos en francés?
Méla DLT
Porque é usado "comment ça va" tanto para como você está e quanto para como vai?
Méla DLT
Creative French Teacher: Choukri B.
Choukri B.
Introducción: Méla DLT
Méla DLT
With "il" and "ils", and "elle" and "elles", I can't hear the pronunciation difference. Are the plural versions even recognizable audibly?
Jonathan Benchlouch
What is the difference between “Et toi” and “Et vous”?
Jonathan Benchlouch
Introduction: Jonathan Benchlouch
Jonathan Benchlouch
: Jonathan Benchlouch
Jonathan Benchlouch
Introducción: Jonathan Benchlouch
Jonathan Benchlouch
Introduction: Jelena Bjekovic
Jelena Bjekovic
"Je ne vais pas très bien." ¿"Ne" y "pas" siempre irán juntas?
Elise Nantois
What is "good morning" in French?
Elise Nantois
How do you say "I'm mad at you" in French?
Elise Nantois
Introduction: Layla Jenn
Layla Jenn
Introduction: victor oriaku
victor oriaku
When I listen to the pronunciation of the word 'oui' and it sounds like 'we'. I often hear on radio and in particular films what I assume means yes but sounds more like 'way'. Is there a difference?
Ale Lorenzo
Introduction: Marie
What are the rules for using the imperative in French?
Ale Lorenzo
Introduction: Serena D McCulloch
Serena D McCulloch
¿Cómo puedo aprender a hacer los sonidos nasales en francés?
Lucas Coffy
Introduction: Glenn Emerson Maxwell
Glenn Emerson Maxwell
Introduction: Mathieu Reboul-Salze
Mathieu Reboul-Salze
Introduction: Clare Scanlan
Clare Scanlan
What is Verlan French?
What's the difference between "Excuse-moi" and "Excusez-moi"?
Amanda Treutler
Qual é a diferença entre Excuse-moi e Excusez-moi?
Prof Renato
What's the difference between "bonne nuit" and "bonne soirée"?
Ale Lorenzo
Qué usos tiene el "on" en francés? Cómo se distingue de tu y vous?
Ale Lorenzo
Does the word "salut" mean "hello" or "goodbye"?
Ale Lorenzo
What's the difference between "Bonsoir" and "Bonne soirée" in French?
Ale Lorenzo
Does "salut" mean "hello" or "good-bye"?
Sarah Barkoczi
Introduction: Mathieu Chatelain
Mathieu Chatelain
Introduction: Sarah Barkoczi
Sarah Barkoczi
How is the R sound in French pronounced?
Aurelie Charlotte
"Bonjour" means "hello", right? Why can't you say it at night?
Aurelie Charlotte
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