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la diferencia es básica, ¡espero poder ayudarte con eso y buena suerte! - The difference is basic, I hope to be able to help you with that, and good luck on your learning! :)
관련 강의
관련 비디오
¿Cuál es la différencia entre "lastname" o "surname"?
How do you pronounce an Umlaut (ä, ö, ü) in German?
Why are there so many ways to "hello" and "good-bye" in Korean?
Quando e mais comum usar o "be going to" ou o "will". Pode me dar alguns exemplos quando usar cada um e por que seria mais adequado em casa frase?
Why does Korean have two sets of numbers? Native and Chinese?
Introduction: Young Kim
How do I use the present continuous in German? For example, phrases like "I am studying German now" or "They are talking to me"
Is there a difference between the language of South Korean and North Korea?