Play 投资
to invest



Play 我在投资行业工作。
wǒ zài tóu zī háng yè gōng zuò
I work in investments.
Play 有很多投资方面的文书工作要处理。
yǒu hěn duō tóu zī fāng miàn de wén shū gōng zuò yào chù lǐ
There is a lot of paperwork for the investments.
Play 她在公司投资。
tā zài gōngsī tóuzī
She invested in the company.
Play 你投资了吗?
nǐ tóu zī le ma
Did you invest your money?
Play 有一个关于投资的新法律。
yǒu yīgè guānyú tóuzī de xīn fǎlǜ
There is a new law about investments.
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