Introduction: Clare Scanlan

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Hi, My name is Clare and I'm a native English Speaker. I lived in France for 4 years on a trout farm where I worked in the office and also gave English Lessons to French children. When I came back to England I taught French to English people in Evening classes and French to English children. I believe that learning a language should be fun, so join me for lots of laughter as we improve your languages.

관련 강의

관련 비디오

What are the easy ways to understand and speak Korean language?
Young Kim
When does the consonant "ㄹ" make an /l/ sound and when does it make an /r/ sound?
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Why does Korean have two sets of numbers? Native and Chinese?
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Is there a difference between the language of South Korean and North Korea?
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Como fala "bom dia", "boa tarde", e "boa noite" em coreano?
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Cual es la diferencia entre la vocal 어 (eo) y la vocal 오 (o)?
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Como faço para aprender fluente a língua coreana?
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In Korea why do you have so many informal and formal ways of saying things?
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영어 한국의